5 Unique Baby Shower Gift Ideas

First, I think it’s important to note that I am a major proponent of buying shower gifts off a registry. But I know there are people out there who just can’t seem to do it. They have to come up with something unique or creative or different, regardless of what the expecting mother wants.
So here are my ideas for some unconventional shower gifts that will actually be appreciated.

HBO or Netflix
HBO Go provides every episode of every season of HBO shows as well as a huge selection of movies. When I was on maternity leave I think I made it through every season of Big Love in about a week. It made the middle of the night feedings a little easier to handle. I’d settle into the nursery rocking chair and place my iPad on the ottoman. Once my little one was a few months old he started getting distracted by the iPad. So even 1-3 months of one of these services would be nice.

An iPad
See above. Not only does it make it super easy to watch shows and movies (without searching for different remotes or camping out in the living room), you can also check Facebook a million times to see what’s going on in the outside world, see if anyone has emailed you, search for information about how to raise a baby … you get the picture. This could also be a good push present.

Hospital Gown
I received the cutest hospital gown and matching robe during my pregnancy. I decided not to wear the gown during labor and delivery because, as you probably know, things get messy. So I wore the gross, thin hospital-provided gown the first day. The second day I put on my adorable hospital gown from Dear Johnnies. My nurse commented on how nice it was and said she was going to get one for her friend who was going through chemo. It had snaps on top of the shoulder – instead of ties in the back – so it was much easier for nursing. Plus, I was able to look at least halfway decent in all the photos we took and I put on the matching robe when walking the hallways so I felt more covered up.

Massage Gift Certificate
Nothing beats a massage when you are carrying around an extra 40 pounds. Make it completely stress-free by including the tip as well.

Zoo Membership
At some point during maternity leave, you start to get bored. You need to leave the house. But, if you’re like me, you get really nervous thinking about where you will be able to nurse your newborn while you’re out. Because of this, I was limited to two-hour trips. I’d have the car packed and ready to go so I could leave as soon as I was done with a feeding. I recently discovered that the zoo in my area is super new-mom friendly, complete with a special nursing area. Check into memberships at your local zoo, aquarium, etc.

What other items do you appreciate that aren’t usually on a registry?